Category Archives: Just for the record

Video: Do You Want To Learn How To Get 174% Growth On Your Investment In Less Than 8 Days With No Risk?
In the video below I explain the step by step application of the Wealth Creators Strategy and Roll In Strategy to grow a R16,726.60 investment to R45,882.17 with no risk in 8 days. In phase two I am going to Apply the Roll In Strategy to grow this investment to more than R100,000 in less…

Video: Watch This Only If You Are Serious About Financial Freedom
Just to warn you – although I may sound a bit aggressive I am not – I am just passionate to help people to get out of their comfort zones and help them to become financially free. But please do not listen to this video if you are sensitive or do not want to take…

Video: Lets Set The Records Straight: 20% Growth Is Bad!
If you want to invest in paper assets I am not the right person to help you. If you want to learn how to get more than 100% growth on your initial investment based on the Wealth Creators Strategy — then listen to me…

Video: I Am Sorry If I Offended You
Every now and then something rattles me — this video is about one such incident – and my reaction to it…. Now some comments for the records: