Category Archives: Uncategorized

[Day 67] Explaining The U In The R.U.L.E.R.S. Principle


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[Day 66] What Class Of Investments Can Give You More Than 55% Growth Without Risk?


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[Day 46] What Is Your Freedom Level?


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[Day 45] Two Different Strategies To Financial Freedom


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[WIT] #10 The Best Way To Handle Financial Risk

In this video I will share with you why the belief system of “the higher the risk, the higher the growth” is one of the biggest financial myths ever, and why this is keeping billions poor. Discover a quick way to eliminate your financial risk by watching the video below…  

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[WIT] #7 How To Handle Your Fears And Worries

This is an edited version of a live FaceBook video I made last week on a process you can use to handle fears and worries. The process works really well for me and I made this video in the hope that it will do so for you as well.  

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[FB] Training 02: Are you in control of your attitude?

It’s easy to have a negative attitude when things don’t go your way and life is a challenge. But, having a positive approach can change everything. I’ve recorded this FB live session where I asked and answer the question “Are you in control of your attitude?” Experts say having a positive attitude is the best…

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[WI] Seven Easy Ways To Learn How To Master A New Skill

Some say life is all about learning ‒ learning new skills. And if you learn the right skills, you can be anything – you can be wealthy, ride a bike, play a musical instrument, have great relationships, hit, kick or catch a ball, or juggle five balls. But mastering a new skill is a skill…

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[WI] How To Banish Negative Thoughts

Who doesn’t have negative thoughts now and then? But what if you had a negative thought which was pervasive and constant? Would you know how to get rid of it? Fortunately, there are many methods available to get rid of incessant negative chatter in our heads. Here is an effective step-by-step process that will work…

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[WI] How To Master Self-Discipline

Self-discipline is defined as the ability to control one’s feelings and overcome one’s weaknesses. It is a powerful attribute, however it is challenging to master it. Self-discipline can be described as the ability to do whatever it takes to overcome any challenge or obstacle to reach your goals. Self-discipline makes one do things when it…

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