[WI] 4 of the Best Ways to Grow Patience in One Week

Patience truly is a virtue; an asset! But patience doesn’t come that easily – it takes a lot of effort to build up. And if you are someone with a short temper, things is even more of the truth!

Like anything you focus your mind on, but relax! It’s quite possible to develop patience in as little as just one short week.

If anything is coming up that you know will test your patience, here are 4 practical steps to learn how to grind on your teeth with a smile and keep things under control.

This may not be that easy, but the benefits are huge and it is certainly worth working for. You can develop the lenience and tranquility needed to take on even the toughest situations.

Try this when you need more patience:

  1. Do something for a charity: Putting yourself in the shoes of the less fortunate really does wonders! Helping someone who has a challenge that you don’t have is a brilliant way for you to realize how blessed you actually are. Being closer to see other people’s challenges quickly makes you realize you have so much to be grateful for and you can stop worrying about probably more than half the things you do worry about.
  • There are many facilities for homeless children and terminally ill grown-ups. Pack your pride and use the opportunity to experience life through their eyes.
  • Impatience is the last thing they are thinking of. For them there is so little in life that they focus on enjoying each and every moment of life they have, regardless.
  • Take a moment and think back of how you felt after spending some time with some of them. If you suddenly feel guilty about some of your past reactions, you are definitely on the right track
  1. Make some time for meditation. To reflect on yourself takes you back to your unspoilt self. You will be better equipped to deal with difficult situations when you start off from a neutral place.
  • Spending some quiet time meditating helps to build a calm spirit and focused mind, which is a strong step towards patience.
  • Structured meditation can be any of many things – even a yoga or tai-chi class. Get the help of professionals to help build your base of spiritual calmness.
  • For most people good meditation can be achieved in a quiet space at their own home. Concentration is at the heart of all the types of meditation. All you need is 10 minutes away from all activities around you. Find a quiet space. Close your eyes, fend off the noise around you, and breathe.
  1. Make a goal out of patience. For just one week, make patience your only goal for that day. You will want to get other things done, but tell yourself that you’ll only do something if you can respond with patience.
  • As soon as you open your eyes in the morning, endorse your pledge to being patient. Doing this every day and being dedicated to it, can change it into a habit by the end of the week.
  • Like many other things, making a conscious effort to stay focused on your goal will help you achieve it. Granted – it’s not easy, but it is totally possible.
  1. Think before you open your mouth. This may slow things down a bit, but it will be worth it! Thinking about what you are going to say before the words come out your mouth guarantees a soft answer. Guess what – a soft reply sets the tone for a much more civil discussion than just saying the first thing that comes to mind and causing an issue if it is not really what you wanted.
  • Think of being the other person on the receiving end of your wrath. How does your reaction and nature to blurt out the first thing that comes up affect others? Give it some thought each and every time you are about to react.
  • Try never being the reactive person. Process your thoughts so that you end up with a more genius response!

Patience is not something that comes easy and might seem like a fleeting possibility. But it is something you can accomplish and treasure for a lifetime.

Give yourself the opportunity to enjoy the peace of mind that is guaranteed to come with being a bit more patient.

Your wellness ­ physical, emotional, and spiritual ­– will benefit when you become more patient. And the best part is you can learn it yourself – no need for therapy to develop it!

As the saying goes – patience is a virtue. But you can learn it…

Three personal self-reflections on patience

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About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.


  • dagwin

    Reply Reply August 10, 2016

    Dankie Hannes. Al die inligting help om positiewe gedagtes te ontwikkel.

  • Maryke

    Reply Reply July 19, 2016

    So true. thank you

  • Edda Davidson

    Reply Reply July 12, 2016

    Thank you

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