[WI] 4 Easy Ways to Relieve Stress

In modern times everyone seems stressed out ‒ nowadays more than ever.

It might be your work life that is so hectic that job demands are burning you out.

Or it might be financial pressure… especially when your friends always expect you to pull them out of their jams.

If you are desperately looking for peace and a bit of relief from the daily hustle and bustle of your demanding life, here is some good news ‒ we have a few easy strategies that anyone can implement to combat this kind of stress:

It is not possible to eliminate stress completely.

In fact, life without issues causing a bit of stress would simply be boring – this is what makes life worth living.

But you definitely don’t need that much stress that it starts to influence your daily activities.

A few simple strategies can easily reduce stress and will help you get more peace and happiness, even right in the middle of the worst of life’s storms.

Get up and go

Physical activity is a great way to relieve stress, whether it is a quick run, some time in the gym, taking the stairs at your office building rather than the lift, or parking far from the entrance to the shopping mall ‒ exercise is a great way of channeling the frustration you are bundling up inside and releasing it in a constructive manner.

Crank up the volume

Music has the power to change your mood. Whatever your genre, sometimes all it takes to get some peace and refocus for a while is a few minutes of listening to music that soothes you inside. That’s one of the reasons you have a car radio ‒ use it! Different genres affect your mood in different ways, so take along your favorite CD (or nowadays memory stick) and feed your emotional need of the moment to lower your internal levels of stress.

When stress gets to you, put on some upbeat music. When you’re down but not out, you need music that will lift your spirits and get your feet tapping. There isn’t much that can lift your mood faster than good music.

Dish up and enjoy

Like the fuel in your car, your body isn’t going to work well if it is not getting the proper nutrition it needs, and you’re more prone to feeling tired and stressed. Good nutrition is fuel for your body. Don’t put diesel in your petrol driven car. The same goes for your body ‒ are you eating the right kind of food that contribute to your health, or are you diving mouth first into unhealthy eating habits?

A good idea would be to keep track of what you eat in a daily log. A small corner in your everyday journal will suffice. This easy step will keep you aware of what you eat, which more often than not will lead to making healthier choices, like these:

  • Drink as much water as possible (at least two liters per day).
  • Add as much fruit and vegetables as you can – at least one fruit every two hours.
  • Cut out the junk food and find tasty, healthier alternatives.
  • Eat lighter, but more frequently, and
  • Don’t shop on an empty stomach!

Small changes in your eating habits can make a huge difference in how you feel and how effectively you are able to handle stress.

Take a deep breath

Learn to control your breathing. That way you can control the level of stress you feel.

Take deep breaths. Exhale properly. Slow, deep breathing takes practice, but like everything, a little effort goes a long way. Breathe from deep within, from your belly, and you will be surprised with an unstoppable weapon against stress.

Deep breathing expels used air from deep within your lungs, slows down your heart rate and feeds oxygen to your muscles, relaxing them. It also helps you to calm down mentally. Shallow breaths create anxiety and puts your body on the defense. Deep breaths supply loads of oxygen, fueling your body and your mind, leading to much-needed confidence in the midst of the challenges you face.

These might be simple strategies, but by making it part of your routine you can learn to practice peace wherever you are.

Think of taking a deep dive ‒ you exhale and then inhale, taking a deep breath. Instead of being flung around in the midst of your inner storms, you will be able to regenerate and stand strong, handling challenges that more effectively.

Enjoy the confidence and inner peace you deserve by simply applying these easy stress management strategies – right now, every day.

3 Personal Self Reflections That Can Help With Stress

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About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.


  • Stefanie le Roux

    Reply Reply August 3, 2016

    Dr Hannes

    Ek het dringend hulp nodig met n eiendom in Roodepoort wat ek geeerf het by my man.

    Kontak my asseblief by 083 454 3364

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply August 26, 2016

      Ek gee ongelukking nie advies nie. Ek leer mense hoe om self die somme te maak (deur makilik gebruik te maak van maklike programme) om ingeligte besluite te neem oor hulle beleggings en hulle toekoms.

  • Lindsey

    Reply Reply July 26, 2016

    Hi Hannes , always pearls of wisdom and I can truly recommend all those ‘ stress relievers’ because they work – testimonial from a stress bag!!!

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