[WI] 8 Easy Secrets To Enjoy An Amazing Life

There is no guarantee that an amazing life simply happens. To enjoy an amazing life, you need to spend time and energy, and focus your efforts intentionally.

What is easy is to allow too many distractions, goals that are not important, and the age-old excuse – not enough resources – to get in the way of enjoying an amazing life.

The biggest problem of all is a lack of a clear objective.

These are all challenges that can easily be solved with very little effort.

Here are eight easy ways to help you create an amazing, meaningful and exciting life:

  1. Get rid of anything that is not an absolute necessity: Just like distractions, too many responsibilities are serious obstacles when it comes to having an amazing life. Do away with things that take up time, space and energy and do not give you something worth your while in return. If you choose to include it, it should be something that truly is important in your life.
  2. Set your own priorities. Although nothing that you set your mind on is impossible, you might not be chosen to go to Mars or be the chief of brain surgery at the world’s best hospital, but it is quite possible to accomplish some pretty amazing things over the course of your lifetime.
  • Narrow your focus down and at first focus on just a few priorities. Start with what the most important thing is to achieve or experience? Make a list, but keep it short.
  1. Get the necessities. It takes courage to create an amazing life. You need more courage the more risk you take. But just imagine – if you had plenty of money, time, energy, and support, you would need much less courage to chase after that amazing life. You wouldn’t be scared easily anymore. You will have guts. Fear won’t have that much influence over your life anymore. So start building up reserves where you need it most.
  1. Get rid of the distractions in your life. For most of us it might be aimlessly watching television, wasting time sitting in the pub, taking part in activities you don’t enjoy, or wasting time one goals that only moderately interest you.
  • One of the most successful people on the planet, Warren Buffett, advises people to make a list of their top 10 priorities and list it in order of importance. He then tells them to avoid everything on the list after the first three like the plague. Those are the less important things that prevent you from accomplishing the top 3.
  1. Manage your negative thoughts. Any big goals or major idea stirs up negative thoughts and feelings, even fear. Deal with it. Failing to manage them can cause even bigger challenges in the future. Make work of it to expect the best, to find the right solution, and work at remaining positive. Get rid of those negative – it takes the wind out of your sails and causes procrastination.
  2. Time is your biggest asset – spend it There are many ways to achieve any task. Don’t take the easy path. Like a river flowing, the easiest way is often the longer way. Our time on earth is too valuable, so choose the shortest path to your amazing life, keeping in mind it will not necessarily be the easiest. This can be the most uncomfortable path, but be aware of the fact that you can handle it.
  3. Get up and go. Like a baby learning to walk, the first step is the hardest. Be remember – you have all you need to take that important first step. Don’t hang around waiting for something to happen first – make it happen. Anyone can do it – right now, today, even if they have kids, a limited income, limited knowledge and are pressed for time. Just get started …
  4. It is not as difficult as you might think. There’s really not that much competition in the world – much less than you might think. Look at how much time most people waste at work (standing around the water cooler, drinking coffee, taking a smoke break, chatting with colleagues about everything but work) or at home, including yourself (sleeping late, taking naps, watching TV, lounging around, daydreaming, spending time and energy on things meant to be done by other people …) Most people don’t prioritize their available time. Most people have goals, but don’t write them down. Most people are like a dog chasing a car and have too many distractions.
  • When you make a conscious decision about the direction you want your life to take and eliminate distractions, things become relatively easy.

The most important is – just get started.

Your life doesn’t have to be any less amazing than you want it to be. The key is to set priorities and to remove distractions. Your only limited commodity is your time – spend it wisely.

You still have time to live the life you have always dreamed of, but the important thing is to get started today.


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About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.

1 Comment

  • dagwin

    Reply Reply September 6, 2016

    Thanks Hannes.Active actions to continuosly improve and grow is important to stay on track in all the areas of wealth.The energy is not always on a high especially when you get sick or lose a loved one,but focus to get on track as soon as possible.

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