[WI] Changing the World in 7 Simple Ways

One of the world’s most influential people, civil rights leader Mahatma Gandhi, summed it up this way: “Be the change you want to see in the world.”

It might not be that easy, but the amazing thing about this is by doing things that way, you will be in a commanding position to set off a chain reaction of never-ending positive events.

This is also called the Butterfly Effect ‒ the concept that small causes can have large effects. Just one tiny thing you do, has the possibility of repercussions all around the world.

If there are any positive actions you would like to see more of, take it on yourself to make it happen.

Persisting in showing the world your inclination to be positive, others will follow your lead. And like a viral video on YouTube, before you know it, you have changed world one small step and one tiny action at a time. There simply is no easier ‒ or better ‒ way to affect positive changes in the world.

If you have no idea where to start doing whatever needs to be done to help make the world a better place to live in, here are some interesting ideas:

  1. Listen: Listen attentively when others speak. Don’t interrupt. It might sound simple, but think of how many times you cut others off in conversation or rushed them along to get to the end of their story. Focusing on what others are saying and then replying to what they say, makes them feel valued, and that’s one huge positive change you have just produced.
  • When people are around you, they will start getting used to it and learn to do the same, thereby spreading the concept. Soon others will follow, and then they will also start repeating the process.
  1. Gifts: Give away some things you don’t need anymore. No, we’re not talking a yard sale. You might have used goods still in excellent condition, but you don’t use anymore (or like me never have…) It gives you a great feeling – and sets a brilliant example ‒ by packing the things you don’t use anymore and hand them over to someone that might have a need for it, or give it to a local charity who will distribute it where it is most needed.
  • Someone down the line will benefit from whatever you passed along, whether it be clothing, books, tools, toys, household items – whatever you don’t need anymore. You will feel great about your action.
  1. Help others. Do some research on local charities that you might be interested in and see what you can do to help. Contact them and find out how you can help them. Many people might be able to offer their professional services for free for a few hours – it doesn’t necessarily have to be money.
  • You might be an accountant and can offer to help them do their books once a month at no charge. Or you might be a maintenance worker and offer them your “fix-it” services for free.
  • If you have lots of time on your hands, you could knit or crochet blankets, baby hats, shawls for hospitals, hospices, or nursing homes, or you could organize a group of friends to do that.
  1. Volunteer: You can either volunteer to do something yourself, or organize a volunteer effort to help others. How about helping out an old person, taking them out shopping once a week. Many elderlies don’t have the means to go out anymore. Or you could collect boxed foods and toiletries and get them to a charity or ship it off to people who might need it all over the world. Or you can raise money for say construction materials or medical stock for shipping to places hit by disaster, or help build new homes and schools for communities hampered by storms.
  • Find out the needs of a certain group or target certain events you see on the news, then get your own local efforts to assist.
  1. Change for a laugh: Put some money into a vending machine and walk away. This is an easy and fun way to “pay it forward” so the next person can get a drink or a snack for free.
  2. “Adopt” a family. It won’t cost you an arm and a leg over a weekend or during the holidays to share the festive spirit with others. Find out through your local church or social services, or even your local old-age home or hospital, looking for someone who is in need or lonely. You can even reach out and “adopt” a local family that cannot afford much.
  • Churches or charity organizations can help you with the names of families in need, including their names, gender and ages so you (or you and your family) can purchase essentials, necessities or even a gift for each of them. They can sometimes even provide you with clothing sizes and gift ideas for each family member.
  • Go shopping, wrap the gifts, tag them and drop it off for distribution. In some countries these organizations even have focused “adopt-a-family” or “adopt-a-granny” events. This way you can bring lots of joy and happiness to an anonymous family at holiday time, helping them to forget about the troubles of life even if it is for just a few days.
  • It’s not necessary to wait for the holidays to help out a family or an individual. Missions all over the world help support people and families in need of food, clothing, and school supplies. In some countries there are feeding schemes for school children – often their only meal of the day. Your neighborhood churches can put you in touch with someone in need.
  1. Cough up – pay for a family’s dinner when you’re getting take-aways or eating out. This is a golden opportunity to change someone’s world by anonymously paying for their meal (I don’t think it works the same with buying a beautiful lady a drink…). You might even spread the word by asking the server to give them a note onto which you challenge them to “Pass it on.”

You are in a position to affect more positivity in the world around you than you can imagine. Reach out to be helpful, giving, and do caring actions for someone. Don’t fish for compliments – do it anonymously. Doing something kind is contagious. Live a passionate life by changing the world one small action at a time…

About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.


  • dagwin

    Reply Reply September 6, 2016

    Thanks Hannes. Giving in the right situation makes me feel good. Keeping it low key is better for me than advertising my goodwill actions as I prevent a situation of people demanding me to give.

  • Frans Araeb

    Reply Reply August 26, 2016

    Thanks so much for the insightful mind opening ideas Hannes. This really touch me. I am going to use them in the project I am planning to get family members that are scattered with some of them struggling to make ends needs. Thanks so much once again.

  • Eugene

    Reply Reply August 23, 2016

    Good Work,if I could get that kind of growth on my investment I will definitely be able to start with my family and then change the lives of those that really need to understand the Wealth Creators way of doing investments.So keep showing us,till I can understand it fluently.

  • Gert van den Heever

    Reply Reply August 23, 2016

    It is so easy to get stuck in the mud puddles of the wrongs in life, whilst it is so simple really to focus on making that difference, and impacting your own life positively by being involved with the up side of life! Tx for the blog, it really simplifies and renew ones view on life.

  • Arno

    Reply Reply August 23, 2016

    I love this. Money is only a means to an end and if money is not reinvested in people, we lose the purpose of money! We are world changers and money is an excellent tool to help us, because not all people understand money, but hey do understand the language of receiving money!

  • Shazar

    Reply Reply August 23, 2016

    Thanks Hannes for lovely tips to change the world!! I am sharing on the Circle of Excellence FB page.. good wishes to you for all you do.

  • Celestine Kumire

    Reply Reply August 15, 2016

    Great stuff. I like the simplicity and practicality of the suggestions made. It led me to think of a number of practical ways of helping others and contributing especially through my parish church.

    It’s amazing how practical ideas can generate more ideas in our minds

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