Category Archives: Business
5 Lies The System Tells And How Believing Them Could Ruin Your Life
The matrix is real. What you thought was an exciting science fiction film is actually the perfect metaphor for how humanity exists today. Its relevance lies in the portrayal of a human race conditioned into accepting a false reality. Our matrix (the system) is a little less sophisticated, but no less effective. Instead of one…
The Days Of Being Able To Use Trusts As Smokescreens Are Numbered
It took longer than expected but 10 years ago I started warning people that you cannot hide assets in a trust or try to use a Trust as a way to “hide income”. There were “experts” that did not agree with me arguing that by setting up complicated “double” and “blind” trusts that no one…
The middle class better watch out for what’s coming next
How long has our money system been with us? Humans are great adapters. I find it astonishing how quickly we adapt to new technology and forget the old things. Grandparents who grew up without age spots on their hands, chronic medication, cell phones and credit card debt remember these things – but usually only when…
Rich People Do Not Trust The Experts!
The biggest financial mistake you can make is to blindly trust an “expert” or financial institution when it comes to your money and future. Not only is the expert almost certainly falling for the same myths and making the same mistakes in his own personal finances, but in addition he or she is working for…
O You of Little Faith…
This morning I woke up – looked at the red dials of the clock that greeted me with 02h18 and I wonder. “What the hell was I thinking when I posted on my blog that I am going to sell a little rock for at least R2,500.00” Video: How To Make R7,500.00 in 17 seconds…
Debt Destroys Dreams
It’s happening now, it’s probably happening to you. And you have a choice. Ignore it, carry on struggling, and get nowhere … it won’t go away, but you can pretend it’s not there.. Or do a debt detox! Find out the truth, start to clear out the mental and institutional poison that’s been fed to…
Video: Phase 1: 12,350% profit in 3 days
Challenge – How to turn R100 into R1,000,000 Phase 1 completed: 12,350% profit in 3 days
Is it possible to save yourself bankrupt?
I know that this question seems foolish because we all know that it is a good thing to save money right? Well actually the answer is, it is NOT a good thing to save money if you do not know what you are doing… and most people do not know the difference between saving and…