[FB] Training 01: Property Basic Skillsets

I’ve recorded this FB live session where I discuss the basic skillsets you must develop in order to become a successful property investor.

Don’t miss out on tonight’s training live on Facebook at 18h30 where I will discuss the Zeroth Law of a Property Investor and answer questions relating to the topic.

You can catch me live at  https://www.facebook.com/drhannesdreyer

Download your gratis training material “The 7 Laws Of A Property Investor” for tonight’s training.

“The 7 Laws Of A Property Investor”

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About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.

1 Comment

  • katlego

    Reply Reply April 6, 2017

    Dear Hannes

    I am watching and listening to the videos and the members in my office are telling me I am crazy to believe in this nonsense. I just laugh and tell them see me in 10yrs time or less and pls continue laughing then.

    Thanks Hannes

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