My Manifesto On The Truth

  1. I have found that the truth whispers, while lies shout.
  2. I have found that information that comes to you is generally lies
  3. And these lies are in the form of half truths which are the most dangerous forms of lies.
  4. Whereas you have to go out and find the truth, it seldom comes to you!
  5. And when it does, chances are we do not recognize it as the truth …
  6. Nor do we realize its value.
  7. Because of our brainwashing.
  8. I know from personal experience that only mental freedom can lead to financial freedom …
  9. And that mental freedom requires that we understand our slavery …
  10. Understanding that so-called ‘free’ societies are far more effective at brainwashing than unfree ones …
  11. Because most of their citizens are entirely unaware of the brainwashing that takes place via their education and media.
  12. And because they are convinced that they are free … because they are constantly told so!
  13. And that every element of mainstream society plays its role in building up the damaging myths …
  14. Myths that ensure that over 90% of people retire poor in spite of a lifetime of hard work and playing by the rules.
  15. This is because over 90% of people do not know that they are mental slaves.
  16. And you cannot be free until you know you are a slave! So that is the first step.
  17. As a result, breakthroughs in understanding are vital.
  18. Mainstream society will not support or agree with you as you discover this and go on your own journey towards wealth.
  19. Yet I am positive it is going to be the most exciting, empowering, and joyful journey of your life!
About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.


  • Louis Botha

    Reply Reply January 22, 2015

    Hannes. Baie dankie vir’n wonderlike les wat ek kon leer vanmore . ” You reap what you sow”!
    Ek was besig om die stukkie te lees en word toe onderbreek deur een van my werknemers nadat ek hom laat roep het vir ‘n doel. Ek maak hom ‘n offer om iets baie waardevol en bruikbaar in hul huis by my huis te kom afhaal, gratis en verniet sonder enige voorwaardes. Dit is ‘n feitlik nuut, baie min gebruikte artikel, maar wat ons bloot net vervang het om iemand anders uit ‘n geldelike verknorsing uit te help om na hul Babatjie te kan omsien. Eers na ons gesprek, het ek toe die stukkie klaar gelees van die ou man Jack en dit wat hy vroeer in sy lewe vir ‘n ander gedoen het en wat toe jare daarna weer vir hom tot “redding” gekom het .
    Ek besef dat daar ook vir my ‘n baie groot les in te leer is. Dit is so ‘n groot voorreg om iets te kan weggee wat jy nie nodig het nie, maar wat vir iemand anders VERSKRIKLIK baie beteken. Dit is nou ‘n luuksheid in hulle huis wat hulle nooit andersins sou kon bekostig nie en nou is hulle ook in ‘n posisie om met trots te kan sê, ” Kyk ons het ook een “!! Die dankbaarheid het oor sy wange gerol. Dit het my so aangeraak dat ek nie anders kon as om hier op ‘n kommentaar te kon lewer op jou blad nie. Ek wil net dankie sê vir jou wysheid om sulke boodskappies te plaas. Dit beteken baie vir baie van ons en is ‘n groot lewensles waaruit ons kan leer. Dit is ook iets waardeur die Here met myself gepraat het nadat ek toe die stukkie oor ou Jack klaar gelees het. . So sorg ons vir mekaar onvoorwaardelik en Hy vir ons, soms in ons nood. Baie dankie . Groetnis

  • JP Otto

    Reply Reply January 20, 2015

    Good explanation on what the world and the “truth” has come to. We are also on this path but it is a lonely one. There are not a lot of people that think this way but if you are working on this, keep the faith, en sterkte.

  • Derick Schutzler

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    Prisoner to the system. Breaking free sometimes takes a bit of work in positioning yourself, but I think I am getting there slowly.

  • Vaughon

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    The Blog looks great, the article is inspiring, from the bottom of my heart thank you for being an amazing mentor and a beautiful person

  • Thinus Britz

    Reply Reply January 17, 2015

    It is sad that most people reading this blog post will not understand the true value of the words as most people are brainwashed & enslaved and therefore unable to see the truth as a result.

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