21 Ways to help Create Peace of Mind

“For every minute you remain angry, you give up sixty seconds of peace of mind.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson Did you know that most people are in a constant state of restlessness? It’s true. From the moment we wake up, our brains are firing signals across its synapses and down to nerve endings in our…

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How to Know When to Say ‘No’ to a New Opportunity

There have been many iterations of the proverb, “Opportunity knocks but once.” One of the earliest versions, as told by the Romans, said, “Opportunity has hair in front, behind she is bald; if you seize her by the forelock, you may hold her, but if suffered to escape, not Jupiter himself can catch her again.”…

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Procrastinators: How to Fight Your Genes and Get Stuff Done Now

“Never leave that til tomorrow which you can do today,” said Benjamin Franklin. Pretty good advice, especially considering it comes from a guy who was an absolute whiz at productivity (Franklin was somehow an author, printer, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat). Recognizing the wisdom in the aphorism, however, won’t stop most…

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Education and the death of creativity

Is it a coincidence that pretty much all children love to write stories, have fantastic imaginations, enjoy getting messy, painting, making music, inventing characters, acting out plays, drawing and making things? Why don’t we carry this natural capacity throughout adulthood? Why would nature intend us to lose these gifts? Eight years ago, a man named…

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If You Don’t Know What To Do Next In Your Life, Read These 5 Strategies

“It doesn’t interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you ache for, and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart’s longing. It doesn’t interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk looking like a fool for love, for your dream, for…

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4 Reasons Why Working For Someone Else Won’t Get You Rich

A lot of people have big dreams of running their own business and being their own boss, especially in this economy where small businesses are flourishing. Do you have an idea for a business, store, or service you’d like to start? I’ve had many ideas, but something always keeps me from acting on them. Usually,…

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5 Ways Dreamers Can Become Doers

Maybe you’ve been called a dreamer your whole life—by others and by yourself. However, saying you are a dreamer or a doer is like saying you are good or bad. Nobody is 100 percent one way or the other, but they may lean more in one direction. It’s a spectrum, and the good news is that you can shift…

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A“Garden Hedge” May Offer Better Hedging Than You Think

A hedge around a garden might not be the kind of security you would use to keep burglars away, but the mere fact that you have a garden (with a house on it) might be the best hedging you can get against another monster: INFLATION… We all know inflation is a fancy term used to…

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VIDEO: Property Investment Case Study

The power of knowledge and property investments Let’s look at a real-life example how to hedge your investment against inflation by using property (If you do it according to the Property Pro Investment Strategy™) 10 years ago I bought a property that cost me R5,760.00 in total. (I made use of a bond and I…

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TAX REGIME: Revolt in the air

SA taxpayers have been pushed too far — especially by the current administration and its spending habits. The wall of opposition to Gauteng’s e-tolls, violent service delivery protests and, some argue, even xenophobic attacks on foreign-owned businesses are clear indications that SA’s citizens are fed up with the status quo. In addition to the total…

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