[WIT] #3 Attacking The Holy Grail Of The Financial Industry…

I made this brand new video for you and share with you the biggest hoax in the financial industry.


About The Author

Hannes Dreyer

Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.


  • Hein Filter

    Reply Reply April 18, 2017

    Thanks Hannes for the motivation and the insperation that you are. I can’t wait to see all your videos that you are preparing for us!

  • Roswitha Katjipu

    Reply Reply April 17, 2017

    I am new at learning the finance discipline. but i have to say these information is really beneficial, now i know how to start shaping my finances such that it creates wealth for me. thank you.

  • Riaan E.

    Reply Reply April 17, 2017

    Baie dankie Hannes vir die GROOT GESKENK wat jy besig is om in ons te bele. Ook dankie vir die”gatskop” hulp middel wat jy gegee het om my ernstig te laat wakker skrik. Baie dankie dat jy terug gee aan ons die Gemeenskap. Verstaan nou beter nadat ek die Kursus kan aflaai en herhaaldelik na die notas kan terugkeer om alles onder die knie te kry.Mag die HERE jou seen.

  • Adele de Vries

    Reply Reply April 16, 2017

    I am new at this but I always knew that there was a better way

  • Tom Potgieter

    Reply Reply April 16, 2017

    Dankie Hannes dit was baie leersaam. Ek het presies hierdie foute gemaak maar ek sal dit kan regstel. Ek sal nie ‘n tweedekeer gevang word nie.

  • Rob McQueen

    Reply Reply April 15, 2017

    Sounds very good and logical. Looking forward to hearing the nuts and bolts of your technique. Best regards.

  • Abbas Jamie

    Reply Reply April 15, 2017

    Well said Hannes. This is a constructive contribution to the dialogue on radical economic transformation. Starts with us as individuals empowering ourselves

  • Pieter

    Reply Reply April 15, 2017

    Hannes alhoewel ek ‘n ou inskrywing in jou databasis is, sien ek uit na die volgende episodes van hierdie reeks.

    Wat betref papierbeleggings: ek gaan nou begin om klein pensioen te trek uit papierbelegging pensioenfonds van my oud werknemer.
    Dankie tog ek het ook afbetaalde eiendomsbeleggings. Hierdie beleggings se uitgawes is egter meer as die salaris wat ek verdien het met aftrede, so ek gaan verseker fokus om uitgawes, inkomste en risiko te bestuur.

    Groete, dankie en laat waai, Hannes!

  • Justino

    Reply Reply April 15, 2017

    Thanks Hannes, always Great listening to you.
    I think that one of the main reasons I don’t progress is because of the “Believe”. I know that you have achieved many goals( actually all the Goals I know you have set yourself), but I don’t believe that I Justino can do the same, and I think I speak for many people.
    I am not sure what the blockage or barrier is that I have, maybe the Intent is not all there, or I am scared of the Truth, whatever it is I know that all I have to do, is Believe that what you are teaching us students, we too can become Financially Free…..we have the Tools, practice using them correctly.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      Work on your inner game Justino and I will help you on that over the next month or so. I’m thinking of sharing with you (and my subscribers) the MAP in order to discover your own greatness

  • Bethuel

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    Net soos Sas bo moet asseblief nie my die databasisafhaal nie.

    The outcome of this is the poverty we witness in the world that it is a orchestrated thing.

  • Jan Olivier

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    Hi Hannes
    First of all I think one thing we can trust is maths. We just first have to learn how to do the calculations. If it doesn’t add up or make sense, don’t invest in it.

    My brother is a CFA and CA working for a big financial institution. I argued a few years ago with him about what you teach. He was convinced it is wrong. Well he has moved up quite a bit and are very successful in the industry. I unfortunately(joke) have to sit at home as I am retired, doing things I want and always were very interested in. Thanks for it Hannes. I think he truly are confused by everything he learned and can’t see the truth.

    Congratulations on your property that registered last week. Same thing here, ours was just a little more expensive than 5c, but it will still be free anyway(We can always learn to improve). I’m currently busy minimizing risks on the property, as the previous “investors” that had it was only in it for their own pockets, and not interested in helping the renters or giving a good service.

    Thanks for yet another interesting and exciting set of training videos.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      I like the part ” I unfortunately (joke) have to sit at home as I am retired, doing things I want and always were very interested in.
      Enjoy your freedom Jan.

  • Fred Johnson

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    Hi Hannes. Thanks for your tut.- this time I’m not confoculated and agree that the finance industry has been manipulating our thinking while supported by main stream media, rendering most people as sheeple,, add the Central banks, banks etc.,,
    There are ways to leverage investments much better than they offer- peole just need the curiousty to seek and willingness to learn them!
    I just terminated an RA with one of the robbers after paying a fixed amount for 33 years and 9 months the amount was less than twice the amount I paid in! No mention of their ‘costs’ that were deducted along the way.
    Have earned my lesson and am going the self reliance way with higher reward lower risk investments.Look forward to more,,,

  • morne

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    ja hannes

    the so call experts wants to fokulate us

    thanx . I wait for the next lesson

  • Arno Claassen

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    Wonderful! Your real world starts inside of you and is not produced by the systems on the outside. We live from the inside to the outside and not from the outside to the inside! God has given you the right to choose your life, your future and your financial state. We can handle anything and change everything! We are the key to our financial success! We win or we loose by the way WE choose! Stop believing in the outside theories of the financial system that want to degrade you and start believing in the greatness in YOU.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      Agree 100% Arno. Success is 90% an inner game and only 10% strategy and skills

  • Sabelo

    Reply Reply April 14, 2017

    Thanks for the reminder Hannes. We need more of these….please 🙂

  • Petri

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thank you, Hannes, for this course.
    I think I’m finally over running after the mirage of an oasis created by the system. I want freedom and I want to be a Wealth Creator. I’m really looking forward to the journey.

    Ready for the next video!

  • Mukhtaar

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Dear Hannes,

    Thank you for the insight , I have been following you for some time now and learn more and more each day .

    Just a quick question. All this hoax regarding the country being in junk status and all this is obviously a diversion of the real problem . Is the real problem still mind control to brain wash the people or is there something bigger this time ?


  • Leonie Von Möllendorff

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Good to be next to the Fire again! Glad I am not the effect of No 1’s shenanigans, weak rand, global economy etc. Thanks Hannes for un- confockulating (tm Hannes Dreyer) us! Regards, Leonie

  • samson

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    thanks Hannes for the info,but one does not know were to start because age has caughtup with me 66yrs old

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      Read the Col Saunders story of KFC – “On the 1st day of retirement he received a cheque from the Government for $105. He felt that the Government was saying that he couldn’t provide for himself.” He felt like a failure & decided to commit suicide. He sat writing his will, but instead, he wrote what he would have accomplished with his life & thought about how good of a cook he was. So he borrowed $87 fried up some chicken using his recipe, went door to door to sell. At age 88 Colonel Sanders, founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) Empire was a billionaire.”

  • Roxy Marosa

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thank you Dr Dreyer. I met you at a Mind Power Seminar in Cape Town. I was moved then and I’m moved by your videos now. I have Roxy Marosa Anti-Aging Skin Care. I am passionate about beauty and healthy skin so I watch your videos for inspiration for my business. However I am very stuck because I have to live and have business costs. I am surviving month to month. I have been able to buy property which I pay a bond for. I wish I didn’t have to pay a bond, so I tell myself to pay a little extra to finish it quicker.

    What I want to learn is the formulas you mentioned of IGR must be greater than FFRG in my business; be able to work towards my growth in 10 yrs and achieve it. I watch your videos every time because you do mention property and business. So I listen to apply this in my business. I have not afforded to come on your programs and I wish to. That is the responsibility and investment I need to make to myself. It is so easy to live a mediocre life. But I am very worried about my future because I do not afford to safe. I am very thankful for being on your database.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      There is a big difference between wish to do something and to do something. You wish to have a great business but you are not willing to do something to have a great business…

  • George

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hannes ek het in begin 2014 ‘n eiendom gekoop vir R290k. 100% verband. R15k regskostes en verbandfooi. Die week offer gekry vir R370k. Skuld nog die bank R265k. As ons offer aanvaar sal ons R85000 ontvang. Ek het uitgewerk dat die total hoeveelheid geld wat ek ek uit my sak in die belegging ingesit het die laaste 40 maande was R40000. Is ek reg as ek se dat die groei wat ek ontvang het op die geld wat ek in die belegging ingesit het was 212% oor 40 maande? Die vraag is nou hoe kry n mens die tipe groei waarvan jy praat en hoe maak n mens seker dat n mens oor 5 jaar van nou finansieel onafhaklik is van n voltydse werk. Het al Property pro investment course gedoen maar sukkel om te doen wat jy reg kry. Wens ek kon stap vir stap iemand kry om my te mentor of te help om die finominale groei geleenthede te benut. Enige advies?

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      George wat is die IRR?
      Jy praat van ROI (212%) en dit gaan jou nie ryk maak nie.
      Hoekom sou jy die eiendom gekoop het as die IRR kleiner gewees het as jou FFGR?
      Gaan terug en doen die kursus weer en volg die stappe. Maak seker jy doen die voorbeelde en kry 100% vir hulle.
      As jy nogsteeds daarna ‘n probleem het kan jy my kontak.

      • George

        Reply Reply April 19, 2017

        Dankie Hannes – Nou weer besig om deur alles te werk. Ek hou jou op hoogte. Groete, George

  • Brendon Brown

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hannes, you know I’m a believer and I had a full on stand up fight with an accountant not 2 months ago about this!! I could not believe he couldn’t get it. I drew pictures. I used real money as an example. I showed him my spreadsheets and he’s entrusted to look after other peoples money and on top of that was starting a venture capital fund to deploy other people’s money for them!!! AND HE COULDN’T GET THIS CONCEPT! It scared the daylights out of me.
    How do you hold these types of people accountable? How do we create a movement around this topic to stop this! The FSB actively says that their kak is there to protect the investors, yet I see very few people going to jail for losing all investors money and giving them terrible returns for decades!

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      Some people will get it and others will not get it no matter how much you try to convince them. The best is to ignore them and help those who want and need your help.
      The problem with the FSB is that if the investor sign on the dotted line he accepts all the the risk so the “advisor” and the fnancial institution (that is accredit with them) is in the clear if he or she followed protocol.

  • Clint adams

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thanks Dr Hannes I will b following you everyday.

  • Vaughon

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hi Hannes

    Hierdie responsibility storie lol mense is so gecondition van kleins af om te blame, en dis funny want elke dag hoor ek die stories, dis nie my skuld nie want….

    Dis nou al n game vir my wanner iemand dit se begin ek hulle net vra hoekom, en na ek dit so 5 of 6 keer in een conversation gevra het kom dit altyd terug na…. Sien jy as jy net responsibility gevat het sou ons nou nie hierdie chat gehaad het nie hahahah

    Nou as ek daai mense vra hoe gaan dit vandag se hulle net baie goed dankie lol in die verlede was dit altyd goed maar dit of dat het gebeur en blah blah blah

    Die punt is even in mense se elke dag lewe soek hulle n rede om te sE dis nie my skuld nie want …

    In my experience die enigste verskoning wat mens terug hou om n werklike wealth creator te word is …
    EK WIL NIE. Thats it.

    Anyway cool video Ek leer nog elke keer baie
    Student for life !!

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      Stem met jou Vaughon
      Die probleem is dat as hulle dit nie weet nie sal hulle nie verander nie- so ons job is om hulle te help om dit in te sien dat hulle nie verantwoordelikheid vat nie want volgens hulle dink hulle dat hulle dit wel doen.

  • Firoza

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    As always, great to hear from you!

  • chris

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Dankie Hannes….lets go!

  • Jeanette

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Dankie vir die videos, ek wil beheer neem oor die geld wat ek maandeliks kan wegsit. Ek het nie die kundigheid nie maar sal dit graag wil bekom. Kennis is mag!

  • Jason Sandler

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    There is so much value in what you are sharing, Im just lost about where to start.

  • Kevin Allen

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thanks Hannes, I love your passion and what you are sharing. I was one of the guys in the MBA class that always argued that economic theory is flawed and was the reason for the state the world is in. The scarcity mindset of financial industry is such an issue for me. I look forward to the upcoming videos and implementing what I learn even though I have been taught my entire life the opposite. Keep it up!!!!!

  • abe

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    i agree totally
    how do i grow R100.000 TO 10 MILLION
    How long will it take?
    Can we do it in 1year?

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      If you ask me that question Abe the answer is NO you cannot do it simply because you do not have the competencies to do it and it normally takes longer than a year to learn the competencies to do so – but if you do have the competencies then the answer is YES you can

  • George

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hannes ek het al ‘n paar van jou kursusse gedoen en die Property Pro Investment course gebruik n voorbeeld.Bv. Indien jy ‘n surplus van R1000 bele per maand teen 80% groei vir 20 jaar sal jou future value +- R34 Milhoen wees. Ek verstaan nie hoe ‘n mens daar uitkom met eiendom as ‘n belegging nie?

    Iemand in ons maatskappy het besigheid gedoen met ‘n individu wat in begin 2000’s Capitec aandele gekoop het teen R2 n aandeel. Die persoon se kapitaal waarde van sy aandele in Capitec is vandag +- R500 miljoen werd en sy jaarlikse dividende op sy aandele is R15Miljoen.

    Ek verstaan die konsep dat die finasiele organisasies niks risiko neem as jy in aandele bele, maar daar is steeds sukses verhale van individue wat wel welvaart geskep het om in aandele te bele.

    Ek probeer steeds verstaan hoe om welvaart deur eiendom te skep soos jy verduidelik in jou kursusse maar ek vind dit nog steeds te moeilik om te verstaan hoe iemand in my posisie wat voltyds werk en nie die tyd het om voltyds eiendoms ontwikkelings geleenthded te soek wat die tipes groei kan genereer waarvan jy praat.

    Ek het al in eiendom bele en probeer om goeie groei te kry, maar kan nie naby die groeikoerse kom waarvan jy praat nie.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      George die enigste rede hoekom jy nie dieselfde groei kan kry nie is omdat jy nie die nodige competencies ontwikkel het nie.
      Ek stem saam dat jy dit gelukkig kan tref met aandele maar geluk volg gewoonlik die wat klaar ryk is baie meer as die wat arm is.
      As die ou in jou verwysing vandag R500Miljoen sterk is dat het hy in 2000 ongeveer R13 miljoen se aandele gekoop.
      Die groei oor die laaste 17 jaar sou dan ongeveer 43% gewees het.
      As jy wil ryk word en jy is nog nie ryk nie gaan dit nie help om na R500Miljoen se voorbeelde te kyk en te wens nie. Begin deur die basics te verstaan. Gaan bepaal jou eie FFGR en gaan bereken dan jou IRR op jou eie beleggings
      Jy hoef nie voltyds eiendomme te soek nie, ek het dit nog nooit gedoen nie. Kry net 1 eiendom oor die volgende jaar wat vir jou ‘n beter groei gaan gee as jou FFGR en jy het die wedren al klaar halfpad gewen
      PS JY maak nie geld deur kapitaal te koop nie – jy maak geld deur inkomstes te koop
      Capitec as voorbeeld se PE is teen 23,5

      • George

        Reply Reply April 19, 2017

        Beste Hannes, Dankie dit maak sin. Ek besig om nou weer deur alles te gaan ek besef daar is ‘n paar basiese stappe wat ek nog nie onder die knie het nie. Ek sal kontak maak sodra ek volgende eiendom het wat in die >FFGR kategorie pas. Ek soek vir daai eiendom met ‘n twist. Groete, George

  • Pieter

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hi Hannes.

    Ek was vir 20 jaar by een van die groot finansiele instansies wat maandliks n som geld by my gevat. Aan die ende van daardie periode kon die belleging skaars invlasie klop. Ek het besef dat ek nooit sou kon aftree nie en dat ek erns n sekuriteits jobpie so moes vat om aan die lewe te bly wT nog van my lewens standaard hantaaf, wat nie buitensporig was nie maar baie gemiddels. Ek is nou so 10jaar aan en af besig met alles wat jy aangestuur het. Howkom is ek nie nie finansieel afhanklik nie? Wel ek het nie volle verandwoordelikheid gevat en ten volle los gemaak van die sisteem nie. Jou kennes oordrag het in die laaste 6maande begin insink en is ons sterk oppad om eerd skuldvry te kom en saam met dit te werk na pasiewe inkomste. En dit is verbaasend oor hoe die risiko begi afneem hoe nader mens aan mens se doel kom.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 18, 2017

      Wonderlik Pieter jy is reg hoe nader jy aan jou doelwit kom (as jy dit reg doen) hoe kleiner word die risikos.

  • louis gaweseb

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    I`m living in Namibia,and i`m very much interested in what you are teaching would like to now more about the financial world,and it seems to me I`v arrived at the right spot, Thanks so much for shining a bright light on a dark spot DR Hannes Dreyer

  • George

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hi Hannes

    Dankie vir die inset. Jy slaan die spyker op die kop. 99% van ons wil nie die verantwoordelikheid neem om ons eie finansiele vryheid te bewerkstellig nie.

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 17, 2017

      True is that perhaps the main reason why 99.76% of South Africans will receive less than R25000 per month at the age of 60?

  • Wicus

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thanks Hannes. The system wants to keep as ignorant and make us believe that only they have the know how to make money – that is how they make money from ignorant people! Invest in yourself and start creating your own wealth. Most people will not allow other people who they do not really know to drive their expensive car, BUT we give our money away to financial advisors to invests our hard own money! That does not make sense…

  • theo cilliers

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    great Hannes

  • Bertus Nieuwenhuis

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Goeiedag Hannes

    Jy het my aandag. Wil graag weet HOE?
    Hoor graag op volgende videos.



    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 13, 2017

      Voor jy kan weet hoe Bertus moet jy eers uitvind wat en hoekom. Die hoe gaan nie sin maak as die “basics” nie in plek is nie.

  • Leander

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thanks Dr. Dreyer I think we are being deceived and brainwash by these “so-called” Guru’s that we don’t want to believe anything else is possible, thank you again for these eye penting

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 13, 2017

      I Agree with you Leander. The problem is that if we do not belief them then we have a problem and that is to take responsibility for our own future.
      It is easier to blame than to take responsibility and for that reason most people prefer not to think for themselves but rather to trust the experts.

  • bonita jones

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Hi Hannes

    So much of what you say is nonsense is what my husband and I have done. we have diversified assets ie: 20% in sharesof which 70% held in SA and 30% held in US. We 2 properties in Johannesburg (one primary res) one farm, 3 properties in CT. one bought after watching your video 6 years ago that you don’t buy a property/business to make money when you sell it, so we have a high income student house and then 1 property in Chelsea London.(Rental returns in 2x CT and London properties are low because those particular properties are in prime areas)

    So, we are not at huge risk as we don’t have much debt. BUT we have spent a lot of spare money buying those properties with huge deposits so as not to have debt. I still believe we have not got the returns that the outlay warrants. Especially with maintenance costs of property.
    Over 10 years we have grown the value of the properties more than 6 times but as some are for our use and we don’t rent them out our income is not what we could live on. How could we have done it differently and certainly how would a person who doesn’t earn bonuses to put down on purchasing properties/shares have done it more efficiently? I would love your take and explanation for the “man in the street”.
    Regards Bonita Jones

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 13, 2017

      Bonita I plan to show the “man in the street” how easy it is if they take the responsibility to understand the truth.

  • katlego

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thank you Hannes

    Basically all of this people(Banks, investors companies) living in a fantasy world don’t know about this or they dare not tell us the truth cause someone stands a chance to loose?
    Do you think that if most of the ppl would know this and apply it the country would be better off?

    • Hannes Dreyer

      Reply Reply April 13, 2017

      Of course it will! But most people won’t do it because of conditioning.

  • Ralph

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Thanks Hannes I was having typical conversation with friends about handing your money to experts.I told them that they need to take responsibility by getting the competencies.I still have long way to go but I totally get it
    I want to learn skills and take the responsibility myself to grow rich.

  • Luther Diedericks

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    I am ready and determined to see it through to become a Wealth Creator. Indeed thankful for the experience and looking forward to the journey.
    Watching your daily video as soon as it arrives.

  • Robert H Meyer

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Great tutorial Hannes. Cannot wait for the next lesson.
    I’m forwarding your link to friends.


  • Sas

    Reply Reply April 13, 2017

    Een ding: Moet my assebief tog NET NIE van die databasis afhaal nie. 😉
    Dankie vat oom ook in my investeer. Mag ek nie (meer) teleurstel nie!

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