I think you will agree with me when I say we all have incredible potential.
So, why is it then that we don’t always live up to that potential and manage to do what we are capable of?
Why is there often a difference between what we are able to do and what we actually do?
In what ways can we maximize our potential in those areas of our lives that are important to us?
What are the instrumental keys that create that personal success in all our endeavors?
In this video I’m going to share with you how to get whatever you want…
How to Develop a Winning Mindset
May 5, 2017Hi Hannes
The paying for courses part is important, but there are always exceptions to the rule. example, I Lifecoach 55 Students For free.
However i overcome their non paying part, by creating Leverage on them (per Tony Robbins Teachings Techniques For Change)with various techniques using The 2 Forces, P&P.
Only then will they 1) want the information, 2)Execute The Information & 3)Adjust Approach. ( The Complicated Life Information is presented in an easy to Understand Visual Aid, Sound & Movies That I have Formulated, Practiced and Presented For 5 Years ( 3 times a week ).
Some Of The Results Are Students, Being Able To Open Their Cortex On Demand, Synergy Within Their Communes, Bonding With Their Creator, Fitness Shifts On Site, Access To Intuition.
All 55 Students Have An IRR of Infinity, that is only achieved by their Forced Teamwork And Immersion Process Innovated By My Wife & Myself
you have taught me some good stuff. We have good stuff lining up for you, 2nd to none!
Your Pioneers, And Student Of Excellence !
(Stark Industries)
May 3, 2017Hi Hannes,
Thanks for the great message!
I agree wholeheartedly, and I have personally found that I have read books over and over to finally understand their “secrets” when my head was in the right place.
Get the head right, build some competency and start doing it.
First investment now at 42% IRR. Not where I would like it but it is up and running at least. Learned tons in the process so far too.
P.S. Did I miss the email for #10 ?
Hannes Dreyer
May 4, 2017We missed it (with all the holidays) so I will ask Lara to post #10 is as soon as possible
May 3, 2017Baie dankie my lewe is verryk en my verstand verlig en een probleem die baffing neem te veel tyd op en die opbreeking is verskriklik
Ek sê dit nie om te snag nie maar om ek ñ bietjie te hongerig is dis al.
Hou aan en saai die goeie saad daar is baie vrugbare.
Sharon van Heerden
May 3, 2017Hallo ek dink jy is amazing dankie dat jy dit met ons skaapies deel.
May 3, 2017Hi Hannes thanks funny I started to reading the Master Key System by Charles.F.Haanel also dealing with mindset and it is basically a 24 week course on its own.Looking forward to mindset course of you.
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