I recorded this lesson at 3h18 this morning on Facebook live.
Hope it can help you…
I recorded this lesson at 3h18 this morning on Facebook live.
Hope it can help you…
Wealth Creator | Mentor | Coach - Dr Hannes Dreyer is one of the world’s leading authorities in Wealth Creation. As a speaker and author on the subject he is at the forefront of his personal development industry. He is the founder of the Wealth Creators University, a private education organisation based on the culmination of 30 years of experience, research and study info finances, economics, psychology and philosophy.
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May 13, 2017Dankie Hannes vir al jou inspirerende woorde en gedagtes.Dit maak vir ieder en elk van ons wat bereid is om te doen om dardie soet smaak van sukses te behaal soveel meer soeter. Hou aan met die wonderlike voorbeeld wat jy stel.
Stephane Hardy
May 11, 2017Thank you
Irmela Kahl
May 8, 2017Hannes, you are great school of life teacher – it is a pleasure to listen to you and have your wisdom and teachings. Stay in touch and give us more..!
May 1, 2017Dr you are really something else that God presented to me today, I just accidentally got to your Facebook page
And with just two of your video’s I’m mind blown. Thank you so much and at the age 44 recently quit my 10 yrs
Job. I’m looking forward to your mentorship as my goal is to focus on property investment. Thank you again
Sir and may Almighty God grant many more fruitful years to you and your loved ones, so that you keep
On inspiring us . I’ll also turn 44 in July 29. Fembe.
Tom Potgieter
April 27, 2017Baie dankie dit was baie goed.
Michelle Bloem
April 27, 2017Baie dankie vir hierdie inspireende gedagtes en die verskil wat jy maak.
April 27, 2017Thanks Hannes.,,, for sharing your wisdom
April 26, 2017Thank you for sharing.
April 26, 2017Oom Hannes, wat is oom se gunsteling Task Tracker/Scheduler?
Of opereer oom op papier…?
April 26, 2017Thank you Hannes, this is so true.
Roxy Marosa
April 25, 2017Thank you Hannes.
Sharon Van Heerden
April 25, 2017dankie jy laat mens stil word om te dink dankie dat jy moeite maak met jou medemens.
Once again awesome please keep these thoughts coming
Brian Scott-Dawkins
April 25, 2017very inspirational Doc!
Wilson moja
April 25, 2017Hi there
I want to know about the doubles your income by working less
Since was deposits r6oo last year .I don’t know how much I have
Thank you
Hannes Dreyer
April 26, 2017Hi you can get the Double Your Income By Wokring Less for free now here is a link: http://products.hannesdreyer.com/double-your-income/
Anthony Bisset
April 25, 2017Excellent , that poem was one of my Dad’s favourites. I am so glad you did post that clip . Thanks , Hannes.
April 25, 2017Hallo Hannes
Baie dankie vir jou boodskap dus lekker om te luister maar dus ook baie waar in ons lewens en ons is wat ons kies om te wees elke dag.
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