Category Archives: Mindsets

[WIT] #2 Introduction To Wealth Creation

Discover the wonderful world of a Wealth Creator. I made this 13-minute training video to introduce you to the strategy that I used to buy a R1.7 million property for cash (registered last week). By the way ‒ the total investment 8 months ago was only 5 cents.  

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[WI] 8 Major Benefits Of Having A Positive Attitude

It’s easy to be negative attitude when things don’t go your way and life is a challenge. But, having a positive approach can change everything. Experts say having a positive attitude is the best way to predict success. Nothing else can have such a major impact with so many different characteristics that are pivotal to…

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[WI] 3 Easy Ways To Live Well Beneath Your Means Without Losing Out

Just like you don’t have to take a risk to make money, one of secrets of reaching financial freedom (where your income is more than you not only need, but more than you normally spend) does not depend on how much money you bring in every month. It is all about managing your money properly…

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[WI] 5 Great But Also Necessary Reasons To Keep A Daily Journal

To keep a journal, or diary, is not only a great idea for young and old, but in most cases a necessity. Don’t think you will always remember everything… The many far outweigh the few minutes it takes to make a few entries in your journal every day. The effort is minimal; the advantages huge.…

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[WI] 7 Natural Solutions For Boosting Your Energy

Are you tired of trying coffee, energy drinks, pills, and supplements to revive you when you run out of energy? You can increase your energy with natural methods, instead, and feel better all over! Try these healthy, natural energy-boosters: It may be difficult to stay motivated and exercise while you’re tired. However, the energy boost…

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[WI] 4 Easy Steps To Become Great

Every day you wake up, is another opportunity to be great! So, take advantage of that and be great every day! You’re probably already on board for that, but it isn’t that easy, is it? Here are 4 easy steps to make the most of any situation and becoming great on a daily basis: Decide…

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[WI] Calming Your Mind and Lowering Your Stress Levels

Most people, on a daily basis, try to do too much every day. It is time calm your mind and lower your stress levels. Focusing on too many things on any given day, leads to confusion, causing anxiety and annoyance. This kind of unnecessary stress can play havoc on the mind (and body), but there…

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[WI] Why Is Failure Really Part Of Your Success?

This is a question that might not always make sense ‒ when things don’t go the way you wanted, what is the first thing you think of? Do you scold and reprimand yourself, or do you reassure yourself that it is part of growing stronger and wiser with everything you face? In the real world,…

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[WI] 10 Features Of Great Leaders

Whether great leaders are born or made remains a hot topic of discussion, one thing that cannot be argued away is that they all share several characteristics. Leadership skills are some of the most important skills to develop if you want to improve your career. You might already have some of these qualities, but are…

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[WI] 3 Easy Ways To Make Joy A Daily Habit

All of us who are not beach bums, probably have busy lives. More often than not we are so occupied chasing after daily tasks and responsibilities that we either forget to or simply don’t have time to do the things that bring us happiness and joy. Unfortunately, a lack of bliss in your everyday life…

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